Friday, January 15, 2010




By: Albert W. Pelley

There's another way of living which is not by constant sinning.
It will bring you out brimming, because it is a "New Beginning!"
This New Beginning is a "Born Again" experience!
You can be young or, old as Methuselah.

Age doesn't matter, just contact God the Father'
He through Jesus knows exactly what to do!
If you haven't got the "Spirit" your a Candidate!
You must have the Spirit as proof your Born Again!

This is not a "New Religion" it's a "Personal Relationship"
With God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son.
So come to God the Saviour and ask His forgiveness.
For all the wrong you've done from birth right up till now.

He not only forgives sins, He also will forget them.
Once you confess to Him there gone forever more!
Isn't it wonderful we can have a New Beginning!
Any-age/anytime Yes, He's waiting now for "YOU!"



By: Author Unknown

Always trust your children to God's care.

Bring them to church.

Challenge them to high goals.

Delight in their achievements.

Exalt the Lord in their presence.

Frown on evil.

Give them love.

Hear their problems.

Ignore not their childish fears.

Joyfully accept their apologies.

Keep their confidence.

Live a good example before them.

Make them your friends.

Never ignore their endless questions.

Open your heart to their love.

Pray for them by name.

Quicken your
interest in their spirituality.

Remember their needs.

Show them the way of salvation.

Teach them to work.

Understand they are still young.

Verify your statements.

Wean them from bad company.

eXpect them to obey.

Yearn for God's best for them.

Zealously guide them in Bible truth.

I AM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


By: Author Unknown

My children, I am the Creator of ALL, and ALL power originates with ME! There is no power in heaven or on earth that is able to thwart My purposes for your life as you yield to Me. NONE!

Have I not promised that as you seek Me, you will find Me, when you seek Me with all of your heart? Have I not said to ask, and you will receive? Ask then, and let your hearts run wild and your imagination run vagabond, for you cannot plumb the depths of My planning and provision for My own.

Does not My Word promise that if you seek My kingdom and My righteousness, all else that is needed will be supplies? There is no need that I cannot meet, so long as you look to Me to do so. There is no problem for which I cannot provide a solution. There is no wound so deep that I cannot heal; and no situation for which there is no remedy. I AM GOD, IS ANYTHING TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME?!

I ask of you your all, not some random portion of your affection. I seek to have precedence over every area of your life. I, and I alone am to reign supreme in your life. Yet I would remind you that I have offered to you My all. Yes, for I have made available to you ALL that is needed to walk in victory and to truly reign in this life. ALL power, ALL wisdon...all that is needed is readily available through My Holy Spirit.

Do you lack anything? Then come to Me, and I will fill you to overflowing; and in so doing, will satisfy the deepest longings of your soul. True fulfillment is found in Me alone.

Hold Me not at arms length, but rather come in My embrace, for I wait with arms open wide. I love you as none other could, and I long to lavish My love upon you.