Friday, December 10, 2004


Hello to everyone who might read this. Here is a really wonderful poem I want to share. It is by: One For Him

Broken Vessels

Broken vessels, fit for service
Once, when whole, what could they do?
Only hold within themselves
That which they poured out by choice
But, once broken, looking useless
What can that vessel hold within?
Nothing - for what pours inside
Flows out, as it is meant to do

Through the cracked and broken places
In our lives, His Love flows out
Reaching those we would not pour to
What we cannot hold within
Needing daily His refilling
First for us, and then to them
Yielded vessels, now made worthy
By forgiveness of our sins

Thank you, God, For broken places
Of great value in Your hands
Whole myself, I might not serve You
Broken, You may have control
Pouring in as You desire
Sometimes more and sometimes less
Always that to reach to others
Through my yielded brokenness

You know this poem really made me stop and think. I just never really thought about it before. If we never go through anything, how can we help others. We can share with other hurting people what we went through and how the Lord helped us. Then we can be a comfort to them. Jesus wants to be a comfort to us, and then in turn for us to go out and reach others and Him working through us comfort them.