Friday, November 19, 2004

One Simple Question!!!

Just want to share this poem by : Yurri

One Simple Question!!!!

Enter in this life untold,
You lived live long,
you lived it bold.
Your time on earth is now complete
yet greater things are still to come.
Heaven waits for those who fall
to enter through its gates with awe.
Only walking through them tall
if long ago you made that special call.
A choice that then seemed trivial
Christ died and now you're paid.

Heaven waits for all to come,
But Jesus stands and asks,
"Did you ask me into your heart,
and did you give your best?"
Looking up at him you say,
"Yes I asked you in,
but scared I was to tell the rest,
now tears I shed for them."

Revelations speaks of tears,
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes."
Now why the tears in Heaven?
Well let me tell you why,
they fall for those we left behind.
Guilty and ashamed we are,
all we could have said.
Why we didn't speak the truth,
deep inside we know.
Fear and Pride and Prejudice,
anger, shame, and guilt,
all that needed done back then,
was just to speak the truth.
Jesus Christ the Son of God,
the one and only way.
He died for me,
He died for you,
now we don't have to pay.
The price we know that sin brings on,
eternal death in every way.
Jesus standing over you
looks down and asks you this,
"What price were you willing to
pay to save a soul?"

Could you sit as Jesus's feet
and look him in the eyes.
Then Honestly reply to him,
"Because I didn't have the guts,
to tell them what I knew,
their souls deserve to die."

Walking through this life we live
how many chances you could give,
that special gift that we hold dear,
the one true path that we see clear.
Take your friend, imagine this.
You both have died in heaven now,
standing side by side.
Your friend begins to turn to you,
you know what he will say.
"You knew this truth and all along,
you didn't tell me - Why?"
You're safe and sound in Heaven now,
But tears you still have shed.
They fall for friends long gone from you,
and what you should have said.
Tell them now, while still they wait
for once they're gone you'll know.
That what you didn't tell them,
is what would save their soul.

You feared what they might say to you,
you feared what they could do.
Eternity, this blip called life,
let's compare the two.
"Friends," you say, "would disappear."
What a friend we have in Christ.
Co-workers would turn on you,
what a worthy price.
Everything we do for Christ,
at least that's what we say
I ask you then, this simple question,
don't answer till your sure.
How much to you, is one soul worth????????????????????

To know about Christ and not share, is just not right. I don't what to make that mistake. I know what joy and peace I felt when I asked Him into my life. I still have trials and tribulations, but I wouldn't change it for the world. They just made me stronger. The only thing I would change is having a closer walk with Jesus, spend more time with Him, share Christ to more people. Which leads me to this blog. To try to reach hurting people who are searching for something or someone. There is a need deep down inside of all of us that needs filled. A lot of people try anything or anyone to fill this hole. They don't realize that they are searching for God and His love. God- Jesus loves each and everyone of us. He does not like the sin we are in, but He still loves us no matter what. He also takes you just as you are. You don't have to change before He will let you in. NO!!!!!!!!!!! All you have to do is ask Jesus into your heart and He will guide you on the rest. Read His word and pray. Just like a new born baby, in order for you to grow you have to eat. Reading the word of God is your spiritual food, the more you read the more you grow spiritually. A lot of people say they have trouble reading the bible. Pray for wisdom and understanding of what you are about to read, and He will give it to you. This is a personal relationship with Jesus ( not a religion ), where you are one on one with each other. You will be so amazed if you tried this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!